As soon as the sun went down dogs started barking and there were a lot of them! Every house around the park seemed to have a coon dog in the back yard. If all dogs go to heaven I was just about ready to send them there! (not really, but these thoughts do cross ones mind)
Then we heard trains going by. They were a few blocks away but they were crazy loud. and it wasn't just a warning blow. It seemed like they'd blow that whistle a mile coming into town, through town and after the town just for fun. Then Roosters! I was like "What the **** is a rooster doing crowing NOW for?!?!?
I had my ipod so Dave Matthews and the Counting Crows kept me from hearing the racket, but I had them cranked up pretty good so I wouldn't hear the train that seemed to pass every 5 minutes. It made me think of the Blues brothers when John asks dan "how often will the train pass?" Responding dan say "So often you won't even notice."
Now I'm heading off to springfield after I get directions here at the local library. Two more programs are set up there which should be fun, and it's a large enough city that I'll be able to get a few extra things I need.
Joe ><>