Saturday, November 7, 2009

Anna Lake

Great day of cycling today!  It started out bitter cold and by bitter I mean like 35 degrees so not that bitter.  I packed up my stuff from behind the church where I was staked out. and went back to the place general store where I had such a good dinner of mashed potato, gravy and chicken legs last night and this morning started out with sausage biscuits and gravy and then went back for seconds and got the breakfast mess which was more biscuits and gravy, eggs, bacon and hash.  I ate it all but the hash which I didn't really care for.  They were all impressed that I could eat so much.  I was just glad that I found such a great place to get such good food!

It was such a nice sunny autumn day today.  Leaves are constantly falling as I cycle by the oak trees.  I started thinking about my tree back home.  It's a pine tree and I hope no one ever cuts it down or at least not for a good 100 years.  I planted it in 3rd grade and it was the first tree I got to grow.  The previous earth day trees always would die.  I really should plant more trees.  It's something that I like doing and I love watching them grow knowing I planted them.

I had lunch by a guys driveway and he came out to see if I needed anything.  I didn't really but I went inside to fill up my water.  I was greeted by his two dogs that alerted him to my presence and they were two tiny tiny dogs called yosha teriers or something like that.  They had little faces like walkees or the ewalks from star can tell I'm not much of a star wars buff.  :)

I got to the tent indicating a camping site on my map and there was no store...then I remembered a boarded up store I passed a few miles back and thought...hmmm, I bet that was it and it never got taken off the cycling maps.  So I pressed on until I found another church.  I had the amazing backpacker strawberry chocolate dessert I've been saving since Carl and I climbed our 14er and didn't eat it.  So, thanks Carl, it was good.

Now I"m going to eat a snickers to send my hunger to Germany and go to bed.  once again.  I'll post pictures later once I find a good place to plug in.

Happy Trails!


oh and why I named this post Anna lake is because I passed a really cool lake called Anna lake, So Mom, there is a lake out here waiting for ya with your name on it!

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