Tuesday, November 3, 2009

11/2eccentric cyclist and hitchhiking backpackers

November 2
Today was a great sunny day on my way to Lexington VA!  I met some interesting folks along the path as well which always makes the trek a little bit more fun.  I was well rested after my hotel stay and watching the packer viking game yesterday, sad for the pack but great for Favre.  I thought I was done with the mountains but as it turns out I have one really REALLY big climb today.  The cyclist I met along the path said it was the worst on the whole route, but we'll see about that.  This route has had some pretty insane climbs.  
I came across a couple of backpackers today.  They had two sets of names, trail names and real names.  Their were nina and chuck a.k.a 'something fire' as I can't make out the word on the video and bug man I told them my name and that I didn't have an interesting trail name.  I was skeletor on halloween, but I wouldn't pick that as my alias.   They were hiking the appalachian trail so I was eager to learn a little bit about their travels as I think I might put that adventure on the bucket list.  They were trying to hitchhike a ride to get to a post office where they mailed food and supplies but having little luck when we crossed paths.
My other interesting encounter today as I briefly mentioned earlier was with a cyclist who was a little crazy.  I was off the transamerica cycling route and I intentionally did this so I could go see the Natural rock bridge.  The road was just a little bit busier and a little hillier.  I met him coming the other way (a local cyclist, not a touring) and he tours around and looks at me wide eyed saying, your off the trail, I said I know but I wanted to come this way "No, you want to be on the trail, the route is much better"  I showed him that I had the maps and this slight deviation was intentional.  "You should get on up ahead" and he starts giving me directions...and I'm just a few miles from town.  He went on about did I know about this and that and the other thing.  I like talking to people and I like learning things but this guy was really annoying and I don't meet to many people cycling I consider that annoying.  I've cycled over 3000 miles on the route, so I know about it.  I just let him talk for a while and then said I had to make it to my gig, so we parted with me thinking "Good grief!"

So this morning I got into my Blue dog cycling outfit witch used to be a bit tight, but now fits pretty well.  That makes me happy.  I've lost about a good 12 lbs, maybe 15 on the tour (and yes mom, I'm eating enough : P ) so that's cool.  On that note I'm going to go have my free continental breakfast!  

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