Tuesday, November 17, 2009

After much thought my decision was made for me


So I originially I wanted to cycle to Washington D.C.  After cycling through 30 miles of heavy traffic to get to Virginia Beach I decided that I'll drive through D.C. On my way home.  The Cross country Journey part ended with the ceremonial dipping of the front tire on VA Beach.  Since I was supposed to be here a few days ago but was delayed by a huricane or "Nor'Easter," I thought I might just rent a car from the beach area and drive back, but here's the deal, since all the crazzzy weather just came through here not a single car at any of the rentacar places is left...not even one....hmmm ok, that option was crossed off for me, I guess I'll just cycle up the coast a ways to Ocean city which should take three days ride and there is supposed to be three days of sunny weather, so that sounded good to me, cause I'm really sick of riding in crazy weather and rains and G-force winds.

I found a cheaper hotel, for 50 bucks that had a much better view of the coast.  It was on atlantic and 33rd street.  They put me on the 3rd floor in room 33.  It was a very trinitarian spot : ) and very beautiful.  I got up the next morning to try and catch the sun rise as I really really wanted to see the sunrise on the eastern sea board.  And I did.  Just as I thought there it might me a little cloudy on the horizion as it was hard to tell, there it was, just a little speck of sun.  for the next 3 min. I didn't care weather or not looking at the sun was bad for your eyes.  I just watched almost memorized by the majestic sight.  I looked down the beach and every hundred yards or so I saw someone else just standing looking, being the first ones in the country to see the sun today.  And with this experience, my trip was complete.  The main goal was to cycle across North America but the bonus would be catching a sunset in the west and a sunrise in the East.

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