Tuesday, October 13, 2009

10/13 Joining my three new friends for a day of cycling in KY

Well all went well for another day of cycling in KY.   I got out early this morning, partly because the three cyclists I camped with in the park were getting going early, but I also wanted to because rain was on the forcast and it would be glorious if I could beat the rain.  The three cyclists I had joined are connected by one individual they lost who was special to all of them.  He died tragically in a Kayaking accident.  So they decided to ride for kayak safety in the "Tour de Hunter" in honor of Drew Hunter.  Their website can be found at www.tourdehunter.com.  I talked a lot with Jenna today as she was the slower one of the group and since they were all on road bikes with light loads, my mountain bike and heavy load keeps my legs moving a bit slower.  Jenna talked about how Drew wouldn't have wanted to see her sit around and quit living life, but it's still so hard, as his passing was just last June.  You search for answers to questions that people have thought about since forever and just find none.  Is this part of some plan?  what's the plan?  Why him?  Was it fate or just the choice?  Who's to blame?   I couldn't imagine loosing a love like that or a best friend.  I'd take cancer any day over loosing my best friend or my fiancé.  I didn't really have any answers for her, but I knew she wasn't looking for answers from me, but just someone to listen and I was happy to do so.  Jenna had never been much of a cyclist or gone on any long distance ride before in her life.  but Drews best friend, Brendan, planned this thing with her in five days.  I was impressed with her endurance, but I imagine the thought of Drew and doing this for him keeps her going.  She keeps a picture of him on a bag in front of her handlebars at all times and it's as if he's encouraging her along this long road.    
Sometimes when hard times happen it is easy to think that of the people around, you are the only one going through hard times, as with my life derailed for a little while and with Cancer.  I returned last fall with out a job only to be diagnosed, and then the girl friend decided I wasn't such a good choice, but I met so many others who have me support and love and I think I met so many people who were kind to me because most of them had gone through or are going through something hard in their own lives.  I suppose some would say that you don't know the good with out the bad, but had I the choice, I'd probably cut out the bad just the same.

So Jenna, Jermy, Brendan and I had some food here at the church.  Jermy and Brendan got hear early and they caught the youth minister just as he was leaving.  I was glad they got hear early.  "I think we just saved your butt" says Jermy, a retired airline pilot, originally from England, in his 50's (Drew's Dad) who came to America and 'married a Texan.'  He was a good guy to chat with a bit too, they all were, so I was very glad I had a few gigs not work out so I could stay on the trail and meet them.

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